Wednesday, 26 October 2011

this came from one of our sod m8's sig. Sorry dont remember who's. Credit to him/her.

Worth reading.

Auto-insert your Office2k serial number

Hate having to find your serial number every time you need to install something from your Office2k CD?

How would you like it pre-filled in for you?

Here's how:

On your Office2k CD, there's a file named SETUP.INI. Open it, and look for the [Options] section.

Modify it to look like this:


; If a value is present, the [Options] section gives the values of properties to apply to

; this installation. Specify them in the format:

; PropName=PropValue

; Remember to uncomment both the section name and the value names.




Use your name for USERNAME, and of course your own serial number for PIDKEY.

Make sure you uncomment [Options], USERNAME, and PIDKEY else they won't get read

(you can leave USERNAME commented if you want, but you MUST have [Options]

uncommented for the PIDKEY value to be read).

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